Fitness Motivation Concepts You Might Want To Learn About

Whether in life or sports mental motivation keeps you going. Whether you get motivation from yourself or the outside world. Especially when you are a sports person and when it comes to your athletic performance it is very important to be realistic because competitiveness is the key to success. This competitive behavior is a form of achievement motivation. Many sportspersons follow strong motivational factors to achieve their goals and to succeed in life even though sports are always realistic. 

When a sportsperson or athlete makes effort to succeed or to achieve greatness within their chosen field that is what is known as achievement motivation. It is their way of preparing themselves to overcome obstacles or give their best for a particular task. 

Behind this achievement motivation in sports psychology, few factors keep them motivated to achieve their goal. 

So, let’s begin…

Personality Factors

A little girl lying on a bed

As human beings, everyone has their personality. And achieving success does not mean the same to everyone. Where some people can take pride in their accomplishments, but some people want to achieve their goals just to avoid failure and the feeling of shame or failure. Some high achievers have high motivation to reach their goals. But some people tend to ignore failures so that they motivate themselves to achieve their goals. 


A young girl lying in the legs of a woman

Self-confidence is the factor that proves the person’s belief in him/herself. It is defined as how an athlete believes in his ability to reach a high level of the sport or activity. High achieving personality traits give a person self-belief and positivity. When it comes to self-confidence there is a huge difference between high achieving athletes and low achieving or less successful athletes.

Situational Factors

Within a sports probability of success is always there in any given situation. The most you gain from the situation you will be categorized as a high achiever. Here the probability of success becomes less as it is a challenge to overcome. But after losing the challenge a low achiever will feel shame.

Emotional Reaction

How a person reacts to success or failure is another factor of achievement-motivation in sports psychology. Different people focus differently on pride or achievement, they react differently when they succeed to achieve their goal or fail to achieve their goal. 

Different Behavioral Tendencies

Different athletes look at success and failure in different ways. The high achieving athletes find challenges, their competitive behavior motivates them to achieve their goal by fighting with competitors within their abilities on a competitive level. But on the other side for a low achiever, these resultant tendencies lead them to take easier paths that do not bring tough challenges on their way. Easy tasks do not force them to challenge themselves in a sporting context. These low achiever athletes are not afraid of failure in these circumstances rather they are afraid of the negative criticism surrounding failures.


Achievement motivation in sport psychology, this concept is mainly connected to the competitive behavior of the athletes. This is focused on the fact that how an individual is motivated to accomplish success. Achievement motivation is the personality trait that is activated in any given situation. I hope you find this article helpful and informative.

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